
30 May 2004

Jenson frustrated 

itv.com/f1 - Jenson frustrated: "and so are we!"

29 May 2004

Button still on top ~ Saturday second practice times from Nurburgring 

itv.com/f1 - Button still on top

Lets hope our boy Button can do the business this time.

24 May 2004

What Monty Python Character are you? 

What Monty Python Character are you? - Quizilla

20 May 2004

Error 404 File not found 

it's all lost and stoof

14 May 2004

Connected to Broadband 

Broadband is here and it is great. I am particularly impressed with "plus.net", great service and great website for members. Use this link to sign up for broadband. Do it now, don't delay you know it is the only way to go! Remember Rudgwick went live on 5th May.
PlusNet - Broadband ADSL and Unmetered Internet Service Provider for Home and Business

05 May 2004

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-011: Security Update for Microsoft Windows (835732) 

Sasser is a self-executing worm that spreads by exploiting a vulnerability in Microsoft Windows. Once installed, it typically shuts down and restarts computers running Windows 2000 and Windows XP. However it can spread via other Microsoft operating systems. Make sure you are immune to this latest virus.
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-011: Security Update for Microsoft Windows (835732)

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